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11-09-08, 12:32 AM   #11
A Murloc Raider
rcdyer1984's Avatar
AddOn Compiler - Click to view compilations
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 7
Who says there has to be logic? If it's of my creation, it's my right to do as I want with it. I upload to WoWInterface for people to download directly, not for others to redistribute it.
And last time I checked, people don't usually put other people's names on something that is "their creation." For example, copying Caith's design for a skin and calling it your own. I hope you checked her zip for a readme file.
I'm sorry, not everyone subscribes to the whole "Copy-Left", "If it's on the Internet it's everyone's" philosophy. And there's a difference between using it and redistributing it.
I didn't say anything that remotely resembled your above statement. I only said you're being illogical, which you already confessed to so I guess /end point.
Additionally, not every compilation author credits the author of every single add-on that's included in their compilation. As far as the average user knows, the compilation author is the author of the entire package. Going back to who reads what, do you really think the users read all of the credits even if they're complete?
Its WowInterface rules that every single compilation must list every addon or provide a screenshot of all addons used in the compilation. A simple google search could tell you the author of any particular addon. Also by WowInterface rules, only Interfaces found under the SUITES category are made up of addons that have been solely created by the uploader. So if a person finds a compilation under any other category its pretty much common sense that they didn't write all the addons. But since we threw logic out the window a while back, why not common sense too eh?
And then there's stats. How am I supposed to track the stats of my add-ons when some of the traffic is pulled away by those who prefer compilations?
So make a compilation. But don't forget to ask yourself for permission before you upload it.
But seriously, I'm sorry if my attitude bothers you. Perhaps in the future I'll think twice about offering my work to others to use for free.
Your attitude has no effect on me personally at all. It just saddens me that this website has good mod designers that are more concerned with how many downloads they get rather than how many people their work can inspire.
By no means am I saying remove your work, however I doubt you would because you like seeing the download number go up, I am saying however that you should let loose a bit on the redistribution thing. This is Ui design for fun...for a game, its not like anyone is doing any of this to make money.

Anyway, as I said before, you do good work, keep it up.

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