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11-15-08, 09:11 AM   #352
An Aku'mai Servant
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 37
Originally Posted by faile486 View Post
Wasn't Trinity around Pre-BC though?
I think the original trinity was yes, so maybe it had that functionality - I assumed you meant recently :P

I accidentally removed the attack button of my pet on the pet bar.

I already tried to save a profile on a hunter who still has the button and load it on the hunter with no button, but that didnt work.
I also tried to make the pet bar a normal bar. After that I saved the profile again and loaded it on the hunter with no buttons, but that didnt work.
I also tried to put a macro on the pet bar, but that didnt work.
I also turned the pet bar in a normal bar and tried to put a macro on the empty spot, but that didnt work.
I also resetted the whole UI by deleting the WTF, Cache and interface folders. After logging in with everything deleted the button was still missing.

Is there any way to get my button back?
The only way I know of to do this is to use /petattack in a macro - this is a blizzard issue not a macaroon issue from what I've read. It should be possible to change one of the buttons on your pet bar into a macro button (button edit -> click button until it reads "Macro" -> right click button -> type /petattack and give it an icon). If you've tried that and it didnt work, try creating a new bar with one button that has the /petattack macro and give it the custom state [pet] or check the pet option, then just position it over where the attack button should be - if necessary you can adjust the strata of one or both of the bars so that the single button is above the normal pet bar (do this if you find you cannot click the button). That setup should work until blizzard fixes the pet bug.