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11-08-05, 07:47 PM   #5
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Posts: 95
i'll try, but it's correctly displaying the number of people in the group. all the frames that should appear are there. it's just that i get the unknown entity value instead of a name. the for loop literally just displays or hides the party frames, never had any issues with it. kind of along these lines, in my hopeless attempt to fix the issue, i made this set name function:

--function Perl_Party_Set_Name()	--Failed attempt at the Unknown Entity fix
--	for partynum=1,4 do
--		local partyid = "party"..partynum;
--		local partyname = UnitName(partyid);
--		-- Set name
--		if (UnitName(partyid) ~= nil) then
--			if (strlen(partyname) > 20) then
--				partyname = strsub(partyname, 1, 19).."...";
--			end
--			getglobal("Perl_Party_MemberFrame"..partynum.."_NameFrame_NameBarText"):SetText(partyname);
--		else
--			-- do nothing since this should be taken care of by Perl_Party_MembersUpdate
--		end
--	end
so even if the event or getid was malfunctioning, this would have fixed it, but the return value of party1 and such just isn't working without the reloadui.
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