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12-01-08, 08:44 AM   #1799
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Originally Posted by ThaRalMatix View Post
Hi there,

first of all let me thak you for that Ui i really like. I never really used other UI's than the standard from Blizz with some Mods but this one i really like, because now i finally have a place for omen3/recount without having my complete screen filled up with tons of crap.
Thanks for the kind word ~smile~

Unfortunatley i have some (little) problems, maybe you can help me fixing it?

First of all and one of the most ugly "bugs" is that the combat log in the bottom right sometimes is shown even when i have choosed omen3, recount or the map . Then the text is shown OVER the information of Recount/omen or the map and i can't use it really. Only a refresh of the ui helps then.
If the combat log is not being integrated into the panel, then something else if conflicting with it or pulling it back out of the panel after I put it in there. Kind of sounds like the latter to me. I would suggest (a) think about what other mods you have installed and whether or not any of them might be altering the combat log and (b) try disabling any other mods you have installed that you think may be at fault or one by one until the problem goes away. I can only tell you that nUI parents the combat log with a frame it controls which is how the log gets hidden when you change info panels... if you have another mod installed that "undoes" that change, then that would cause what you're describing.

So then i would like to see my XP in total or percentage in numbers not only in a bar. im not sure if i can handle that with the settings but a mouse over info or text would be great.
They are shown both as a percentage and as numbers both on the HUD and on your unit frames. On the unit frames, the percentage appears next to the bar and the total in the name plate (usually) -- if they're not there, then this is another problem you have and I'm not sure what would be causing that unless your nUI load is getting completely broken by something.

At last i play a daeth knight and without having the spec of a holy my "pet" has only a lifetime of 2 minutes. But this info, which i found on my charakter portrait before nUI is now totally missed?
This is a feature I was unaware of -- I'll add it to my to-do list.

Thanks for your help in advnace and please forgive my poor English, im from Germany.
Your English is way better than my German ~smile~

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