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12-28-08, 08:23 AM   #218
A Cliff Giant
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 78
ok so seems the people working on this have given up

i think what a lot of people dont realise is that its not just 1 or 2 things have broken

first of all the api has changed, frames used by the mazzifier were reworked and optionframeboxtemplates is no longer valid.

various lua has changed and various files have to be extended like the database of mobs for the 3d models

ace took a big hit but now looks as if it being updated but any changes here would need to be implamented not to mention that many addons used have gone under without hope of being fixed like rosterlib

the amount of work needed to get just the mazzifier working would such a long time

the biggest downfall mazzleui has is that it relies on too many addons.

im not saying its impossible but the work needed here is silly, it would be quicker to rewrite the addon, but as mazz no longer plays and doesnt want his code copied i think we need to move on and create something in its place

i dont mind helping and organising but we need to have a place that a selected team can post and share ideas and have something that can be downloaded and worked upon

just my 2 cents
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