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01-11-09, 03:41 PM   #2333
nUI's Author
spiel2001's Avatar
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 7,724
Exclamation nUI Beta v4.11.00 has just been released...

This beta contains lots of little fixes, tweaks and enhancements... too many to cover here, so please read the patch notes provided below.

One key point to mention: in this update the Interface\AddOns\nUI\AddOns folder has been moved to Interface\AddOns\nUI\Plugins due to a compatibility problem with WoW Interface's offline installer (WOWI) -- Users *should* be able to use WOWI to install and update nUI now, but I don't know that for a fact as I do not use offline installers

For those of you having issues with being able to click the hunter pet happiness button to feed your pet, I made a couple of quiet behind the scenes tweaks to how the clicks are processed now. Please let me know if it is working for you. (Previously you had to left click to feed you pet, it should access any mouse click now)

As always, please report any bugs you come across at the official support site at if at all possible. Otherwise, bugs can be reported on any of the nUI comment boards or via direct e-mail to me at [email protected]

The current release is (or will be) available for download at any of the following locations...My continued thanks to everyone for their support!

How you can help support nUI's continued development: I am currently trying to recover from 14 months of unemployment and with over $20,000 in debt (unpaid mortgage payments, loans, etc.), every penny makes a serious difference. Your contribution of $5, $10, $20 or more to support the ongoing development of nUI would be greatly appreciated. Click here to make a donation now, please?!

Lastly, please vote for nUI and add it to your favorites list... it helps nUI get more exposure. Thanks for your support!

Version 4.11.00 (Beta)

* Moved Interface\AddOns\nUI\AddOns to Interface\AddOns\nUI\Plugins to make it compatible
with the installer (WOWI) -- note, after installing this update you
can and should delete the directory Interace\AddOns\nUI\AddOns if it exists

* Added cooldown counters to the in-HUD DK rune bar

* Changed layering in DK runes in order to clean up border overlapping

* Changed the location of the in-HUD global cooldown indicator slighty to improve cast
bar visibility and to eliminate overlap with the DK rune bar

* Increased the size of the DK runes in the HUD slightly to match the size of the
casting bar (which is where they are located) and improve visibility

* Recoded nUI_UnitCasting update logic to improve casting bar performance and
smoothness of rendering

* Modified the HUD logic to make the player casting bar visible even when the HUD is
faded -- the casting bar is now visible any time a player spell is being cast: while
casting, channeling, hearthing, crafting, mounting, etc.

* Modified latency tracking method to improve performance

* Modified the HUD transparency logic so that targeting a dead mob (or a ghost) uses
the lower regen alpha level as the maximum alpha rather than the higher targeting
alpha level... makes the HUD less obtrusive when skinning, looting, rez'ing, etc

* Added the unusable action button color to the list of configurable colors

* Tweaked color settings for action buttons that are out of range, out of mana (power)
and unusable

* Changed the parenting of unit frame tooltips so the tooltip always anchors to the
base of the unit frame rather than the individual elements of the unit frame. This
makes the tooltip have a single anchor point while the mouse is inside the unit
frame rather than moving as the mouse enters and leaves the elements of the frame.

* Fixed a logic error in nUI_UnitPortrait that caused portraits not to update when
the portrait changed after the first time the unit was viewed

* Fixed a logic error in nUI_UnitPortrait that caused the portraits to ignore changes
in the enabled state of animation ( /nui anim ) after the initial login

* Fixed a logic error in the player and target solo unit frames that causes them to
be clickable and mouseover active in the player pet and ToT regions of the unit panel

* Fixed a logic error in all unit frames that caused the feedback zone of the frame
to be unclickable (typically the empty space in the unit frame)

* Fixed a logic error in nUI_UnitAura that caused (de)buff icons to be mouse active
even when otherwise hidden which interfered with unit frame clicking and world frame
mouse interaction.

Known Issues in nUI...

-- WotLK issues still outstanding

* When using the mounts that can carry vendors, the dismount button is not being displayed
in nUI (note: until this gets fix, you can right-click the aura to dismount)

-- generic issues outstanding

* If you remove a fubar top panel, the nUI top panel redraws to the middle of the screen.
It is full width and takes up about 20% of the middle of the field of view vertically.

* Enabling the "Use UI Scale" option in the Bliz video configuration menu blows up
nUI's layout and scaling. For now... just uncheck this option until I can fix it.

Known compatibility issues with third party mods...

* Guild Event Manager is moving its minimap button back to the minimap out of the button
bag whenever the player clicks on it. A minute or so later, nUI's button bag logic
will see the button moved and return it to the button bag.

* Carbonite is having issues updating the directional arrow when the minimap and/or
battlefield minimap is hidden in the info panel

* Poison Pouch mod minimap button is missed by button bag

* Alpha Map minimap button is not scaling correctly in button bag

* nUI and Capping are not playing well... Capping's modification of the battlefield
minimap is interfering with nUI's info panel management of the map

* Titan Panel is causing an error when the bottom bar is enabled

* Titan panel mouseover tooltips are not compatible with nUI's fixed position
tooltip option

Known Bliz / nUI compatibility issues...

* Right clicking a unit frame and selecting "set focus" taints in combat == this is
a known bug since WoW 3.0.2 and is beyond nUI's control. Hopefully Bliz will address
it in the next patch (or two or three or twenty). You can target the desired focus
and then type '/focus' to aquire a focus frame until Bliz resolves this issue.

* Switching between windowed and non-windowed mode breaks nUI's textures and HUD -- this
is caused by a known Bliz bug in their video driver code and applies only to certain
graphics cards and video drivers. It is nearly random in terms of which mods it will
impact... anything from very complex to completely trivial mods are broken by this
bug but it is always mods that use custom textures. There is no fix. The only
workaround is to (a) avoid switching between windowed and non-windowed modes as much
as possible and use '/nui rl' to reload the user interface when it gets broken. It is
worth noting this bug affects Macs most often, but also impacts some PCs (such as
mine). This bug has been a round a very long time and no telling if or when it will
ever be fixed.

* If your mouse buttons 4 and 5 do not work for click-casting on unit frames, make
sure your mouse driver is sending mouse button clicks and not key presses. You can
do this by going to the key binding interface and trying to bind autorun to mouse
button 4. If the key binding does not say "Button 4" or "Mouse Button 4" then the
issue is your mouse driver or driver settings. Bliz does not support key-presses
as mouse clicks directly and mods like Clique cannot detect key presses in that way.

To-Do List / Planned features

* The 15, 20, 25 and 40 man raid panels are not in the pre-release... both because I am
not quite satisfied with them and, again, I'm trying to not have to fix everything at
once... make sure the core stuff is all working, then add the bells and whistles if
you understand.

* Add vehicle frame/mode integration to the dashboard

* Death Knights need a timer for their pet expiration... should also have a ghoul timer

* Add Threat Bar back

* Add sorting of raid unit frames by raid group and class

* Add font size options for Chat and Combat log frames

* Add totem timers

* Add audio cues for cooldowns, cc breaks, etc.

* Add DruidManaBar type functionality to unit frames

* Add 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 unit frame panels for arena play

* Add Proximo functionality to unit frames for arena unit panels

* Add durability, wardrobe manager, ammo tracker and gold tracker to console buttons

* Add autobar style support for quest items, food/drink/pots, mounts, vanity pets

* Add option to set location precision to zero decimal places on coordinate display

* Add target marking tool a la LuckyCharms

* Add recommended zone functionality to the location box a la FuBar RecZone

* Add a swing timer

What people don't get is that I am, ultimately, an artist at heart.
My brush has two colors, 1 and 0, and my canvas is made of silicon.

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