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01-30-09, 04:34 PM   #2565
nUI's Author
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My main is about 1 1/2 years old and he's 72. My other "main" is almost the same age and is 71. The hunter I created after WotLK was released is 80 as of last Sunday. ~lol~

In any event... I do hope to be rid of the Vehicle frame in the 5.0 alpha. Aside from that, from a player perspective, you probably won't notice any change except that it will have the ability to create custom nUI layouts fully implemented which means you'll be able to have alternate skins and to customize your layout without fear of updates wiping it out.

As for the vehicle frame... until I dispose of it myself, you can get rid of it any time you don't need it using the following slash command...

/script VehicleMenuBar:Hide()

you can even make a macro of that and then drag the button onto the left end of your far bottom left action bar... then any time you mount and don't need the vehicle frame, click the button and voila, problem solved.

Originally Posted by iljott View Post
Looking forward to that Spiel. Like nUI's been from the beginning, I'm sure that you'll come up with something to blow our socks off!

I'm just curious as to whether you have anything planned in version 5 for Blizzard's vehicle unit frame? If you've hit 80 you'll soon realize that there are quite a few dailies and instances which uses the vehicle unit frames. Unfortunately, that makes playing those quests/instances impossible with nUI as the pet UF (which is apparently used by the vehicle UF) is hidden by the sliding vehicle UF. Anyway, I'm just curious! Glad I'm not a cat, otherwise I'd most likely be dead!

Thanks for the great UI. My WoW experience wouldn't be the same without nUI!

What people don't get is that I am, ultimately, an artist at heart.
My brush has two colors, 1 and 0, and my canvas is made of silicon.

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Last edited by spiel2001 : 01-30-09 at 04:45 PM.