Thread: GroupHeal
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12-01-05, 05:42 PM   #9
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 395
Originally Posted by Tigersoul
Would it be possible to add in addition to the two heals available for the paladin, a click button for Cleanse as well? That would really be amazing and make this a killer mod for paladins all around, I love it because I never have to switch targets and can OT mobs while watching my party's health. I have to use cleanse all the time, but have to switch targets or use way to many steps to get it accomplished, a Cleanse button option in group heal would do the trick. Thanks vm for your time and for groupheal, I'm hoping you may be able to mod it slightly to make it even better. =)
My intention is to keep GroupHeal focused on healing only, and I do not intend to ever include curing functionality in it. This is because I want to keep GroupHeal focused on the specific job of healing without having to worry about anything else when I am writing it. I also feel that there are better options, provided by other AddOns, for performing curing actions.

That being said, I have been thinking about writing a curing AddOn and if I do that, I will definately ensure that it plays well with GroupHeal. The only thing I can say about a time frame for this is that it will definately not happen this year, but there is always next year.
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