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03-18-09, 11:44 AM   #7
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 18
Originally Posted by VideoKidRadioStar View Post
I came across this post on the upcoming patch, seems they have released more info - at least officially.

This is likely to break the majority of addons once again I bet? I find this frustrating to say the least, and feel sorry for the authors who get bombarded with requests to fix their addons 0.1 seconds after the patch lands.

Why cant blizz give a base set of functions to work off, which rarely change?

I am all for the innovation idea, I like all the new stuff they are adding, I feel its great they give the players what they want, and is no doubt a reason for wows success, but eesh, headache after headache on the majority of patch days with they way they implement them.

My thoughts are with you, all addon authors...

wow, you don't really know what you're trying to complain about do you?

They are adding new things, which means new "base" set of methods to work off of, which rarely change (these "base" methods changed in 2.0 and in 2.4 btw).

However, when 3.1 comes out I would like the addons i use (bartender, pretty much the only addon effected by all of the changes), support these new features/methods/whatever added by blizzard.

Anything that changes from one patch to another that "breaks" an existing addon are most of the time bug fixes because the method that was changed was severely broken.
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