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04-14-09, 02:03 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Tekkub View Post
It's kinda hard to fault the sites for not providing an update service when that wasn't their design intention in the first place. Hell, you could say all of this stemmed from ace, which got the delivery down great (maybe because it was a developer community in the first place) but failed on the bandwidth issue (and, well, WM follow in those footsteps). WoWI and Curse want to get the updater AND the bandwidth issues right, which is why it's taking time.
Pretty much, this. The issue of WoWMatrix has been thoroughly discussed (to death) in the past. It really all comes down to the fact that WAU set a very dangerous precedent by providing fast, easy and in the vast majority of cases needless updates. People got used to it, forsake the websites, they became demanding and condescending when devs accidentally (or even intentionally) broke something (remember it was alpha quality addons) and all in all, as a wise man once said, "it's just an old usecase that people refuse to give up." WoWI and Curse are just doing what they should have done from the beginning and while it may be "evil" to do so, on a patch day, it was no real secret that this coming for a long time now. Can't really understand why some people act so surprised.
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