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04-14-09, 09:51 PM   #301
A Cobalt Mageweaver
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 236
Originally Posted by Cairenn View Post
Why would we not have a choice? Because other sites were going to be implementing theirs today, whether we did or not. If we didn't go ahead with ours today as well, we wouldn't be running at all today. They (WowMatrix) would have jumped from splitting their scraping of both sites to scraping only one site, our site, since they couldn't access the other one. We'd be down today, completely and totally, no one would be able to get to our site at all. How does that help anyone?

We are truly sorry that we had to do this today when we couldn't offer another alternative. We really would have preferred to wait. We're sorry that it had to happen this way. I don't know what else to say beyond that.
Think of the publicity you could have gotten!
Sure, the site may have gone down, but then you would have had a good excuse, and a torch to burn the other sites with. :lol:
Plus, WoWMatrix scrapes all sites at once. So the blocking of one site would have only caused one less site scrape. It technically wouldn't have increased your traffic any bit.

Originally Posted by Shirik View Post
CDNs are not free. Would you like to front the money for it?

For those of you that are unaware: WoWI is run through very few servers. In fact, there is no rotation. We'd love to have a massive server farm, but that costs money. Money that, quite frankly, WoWMatrix is cutting into.
Didn't imply free. I did imply cheep, as I did mention "sole developer" apps are using Amazon S3 services. Heck, I think they may actually have a free option, but may be too small for a site of this nature.

50 gb output per month (I think that more than covers you, right?) is not even $15/mnth. Need me to take the bill? :lol:
Oh, I hit $20 with 75g storage, 50g output, 1g input and 10000 requests per month. 10g input put me at $21.
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