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04-14-09, 10:23 PM   #28
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 1,077
And as far as the executables you mentioned in some of the addons, i have quite a few, questhelper being one of them. Should i go ahead and clean all that off, and re-download from this site? Just to be safe?
I can't think of even one legitimate addon at the moment that requires an executable to load or install. I'm sure an admin could count on one hand the amount of .exe files hosted on this site, and those are likely tools, not addons.

To answer your question, yes, I would remove any .exe files in your addon directory, or relating to WoW addons, however, if you already ran an .exe file with a keylogger, you will need to identify the keylogger and remove it. Simply removing the installer (.exe file) doesn't do any good except preventing you from reinstalling.
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