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04-15-09, 06:48 AM   #37
nUI Maintainer
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Okay, lets try a different tactic.

Do a search for wow.exe

Based on what you're telling us it should only come up with 1 folder being listed. But what we're suspecting is that it will appear with 2 or even more.

The moment you installed the Lich King expansion from disc it would have asked if you wanted to move it to the new Users/Public/Games folder. If you let the game upgrade itself by signing up for the new expansion from your wow account page it would not have done. This is what I had a few days ago when I decided to do a reinstall. If that is the case then your existing directory would work as expected.

EG. My wow was in G:/Games/Wow/Live and G:/Games/WoW/Test. Well the test would have been but the test wouldn't install because the game wasn't where it wanted it to be (hence the new reinstall)

However, if you had said yes to the question about moving the folder it doesn't remove the old one so you would have 2 copies of the game on your computer. One that it looks for in your registry settings and one that it doesn't but will let you play from anyway. I came across this when I went to play on my US computer when I went there a few months back and forgot about the new directory set up and wondered why the heck my addons weren't appearing when I was adding them, but my old ones were.

So, what I am basically saying is :

1. Look in <VistaDrive>:/Users/Public/Games/World of Warcraft
2. Look in <VistaDrive>:/Program Files/World of Warcraft
3. Look for wow.exe

One or more of those should give you an idea as to what is happening. If only 1 of them shows up then we are stumped. If you have more than one wow folder as we suspect that is the cause and if you tell us which folders the wow.exe is being listed in that would help us to help you.

Well hopefully this epic message will help you somewhat.