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12-25-05, 08:04 PM   #36
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 10
that looks very nice.. you are running in windowed mode but it's still over the whole screen? how come? is the taskbar always visible like that?
The taskbar only shows up when you have another window in the front. When you alt-tab back to WoW, it goes away and you only see WoW. So, you simply switch over to your browser, do what you want, and then switch back.
You do know that 3d acceleration is better in full-screen mode, right? I think when it all started it wasn't even possible to run in windowed mode (didn't work)..
I've seen no performance loss with running in Windowed mode. Runs very nicely and allows me to instantly view whatever other windows I want. Perhaps it wasn't always this way, but it works very nicely now.
also, my monitor is pretty small so i don't want to waste any space =P
I haven't found this to be an issue, seeing as how you're not sitting at those other windows 100% of the time. you switch over to them briefly to see what you need and switch back.
i like it very much the way i made it now, much more than alt tabbing.
there's always personal preference, and your window overlay is very well done. it looks very clean. As a programmer I can appreciate what you've created. I just think that, in terms of the original problem at hand, running in windowed mode and alt-tab'ing is more than sufficient and avoids the hooking and DLL injection business and the need for an .exe.

I do find the technique of overlaying on top of DirectX very interesting. I wrote an open-source utility called TSDisp awhile back which uses the DLL injection/hooking to get itself into the TeamSpeak process and provides a stay-on-top window to show the name of the current speaker. I only went as far as just making a Windows stay-on-top window, though, so for DirectX fullscreen mode it doesn't work. Granted, when running in windowed mode it works. I wanted to dig around and figure out how to get the window on top of the DirectX display, but haven't taken the time to figure that out yet.
coder1024 (Aegath)
The Byte Bucket

Last edited by coder_1024 : 12-25-05 at 08:07 PM.
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