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04-20-09, 08:36 AM   #18
A Frostmaul Preserver
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 290
Ok, it's definately one of my addons, now to figure which one. I will post as soon as I find it.


Ok, figured it out. After having to switch to curse from wowmatrix, I was using fluid frames to be able to move my frames around the screen, but curse does not support fluid frames, so I switched to floating frames, and this addon is the culprit. I have all my other addons enabled but that one and the button bag works just fine, but once I enable that one, BAMO, the buttons go crazy.

Does anyone use something other than floating frames to be able to move your frames around the screen or am I just stuck with non-movable frames?

Last edited by todd0168 : 04-20-09 at 09:08 AM.