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05-18-09, 07:49 PM   #1336
A Cliff Giant
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 70
Originally Posted by us2006027321 View Post
I am legally bound to inform you that everything I am about to say is purely speculative. To that end, consider yourselves so informed. When I began asking WM the questions I did, I began getting a lot of answers I don't think they intended to share with me.
sorry, but I have to call bogus on this entire thing.

Frankly, your explanation doesn't pass the smell test.

WM cannot stop you from sharing information they shared with you absent them making you sign a non-disclosure agreement.

Just like when I've posted letters from people critical of a particular group I am the administrator of, and the numerous threats they have made via email, I do not need their permission to post those emails. Even if in the email they state I do not have permission to publish or disclose, I do in fact have that right.

And then you imply that there are things Curse and WoWI can't disclose either, for legal reasons, and just start to get way out there, and far from reality.

Sorry, but this just doesn't sound at all believable or credible.

Now, all of that said, in response to your personal situation, let me express my empathy. I sincerely hope that you find work, or that your situation improves. I think everyone here knows people who are also having a tough time in these present circumstances, and I sincerely hope that they get better for you, and for everyone else they are impacting (including myself, but not to the degree they are effecting you).
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