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01-07-06, 04:19 PM   #1
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 2
Active Conditions: Responce: Auto-Cast

How exactly does this responce work?

Whne I saw it in the responce options, I figured I would play around with it and see how it worked, so I set up kind of like this:

Action Usable: Counterattack (Rank 3)
Responce: Auto-Cast: Counterattack (Rank 3)

And I also did the same for Mongoose Bite.

The problem is that these rarely would auto-cast when either were usable. I think once every other fight I saw Mongoose Bite auto-cast, and that's out of being able to use it 5-7 times per fight in a full melee fight vs. Rage Scar yeti in Feralas (I'm level 60, so I was dodging and parrying quite a bit).
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