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05-30-09, 10:30 AM   #5
A Pyroguard Emberseer
Yhor's Avatar
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 1,077
I had 4 Druids, 2 lvl 80, 1 lvl 74, and 1 lvl 58. I say had, I still have them them, if I were to re-up my sub.

2 LvL 80's are on the same server, one Nelf, one Cow. I raided both sides of the fence.

LvL 74 is on a PvP server, it was an "escape raid mentality" toon.

LvL 58 is on a RP server, for fun and games.

I was a Rogue (Alliance) from mid 2005 until Burning Crusade. I rarely needed an alt because my Rogue was so much fun. I had a Warrior (Horde) that I used for srs biz raiding, because it was easier to gear up as a tank... or maybe my thinking was skewed, but it was fun.

After BC, I didn't enjoy either class as much as I did pre BC, so I grabbed my LvL 16 Druid and goofed off til lvl 22, when it was obvious I was meant to play a Druid... because it was just too damned much fun. I leveled as feral and raided as feral... after getting alternate gear sets, I could even heal heroics as feral. I never specced balance for more than a day and only used balance spells for PvP and AoE pulls.

Then, one by one, I began leveling others and it never got old... until Wrath xpac. I think some people just have the ability to immerse themselves into a role in depth enough that it's enjoyable to expand it to other places (servers, factions). It was easy playing a Druid, when I enjoyed it, but it was not easy being thought of as really good... that was the challenge I enjoyed so much from it.

Playing a Druid in BC made me passionate about WoW, that's probably the biggest reason I played 4 of them.

/ramble off
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