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05-30-09, 10:39 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by stormkeep View Post
...MS makes full details of every service pack available, and it doesn't usually even take that long to at least read through them.

Vista SP2, for example, comes with an excel spreadsheet with an item by item list of what's in it and links to the relevant online detail of what each entails.

I think you have a slightly exaggerated view of how difficult it is to get the information in question. It's relatively simple and painless. The only downside is that it does take time, and alot of people don't like doing what they consider "a waste of time".
One word for Vista users...Millennium.

Who honestly considers themself a techie and uses Vista? I don't know of too many, especially any that also consider themself a serious gamer. Most serious users are waiting for Windows 7 (at least that we work with on a regular basis). Of course, not that it will be the best thing ever (if beta quality is an indication of things to come - BEWARE PEOPLE), but it at least is intended to have a longer stay in the market than Vista.

And...give up trying to convince me you know/knew every aspect of change brought forth in the packages called SP2, SP3, etc. Anyone can read the snippets you continue referring to here, but even they don't fully explain all aspects of functionality. They never have, never will. It's one of the things that keeps people like myself in business.
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