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01-08-06, 01:34 PM   #12
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 7
Not to detract any further from the topic at hand but take a look at your posts in this thread Andeh. People treat you like a child because you act like one. I agree with everyone else if you want to complain about something that is out of Lozareth's control then go somewhere else. As I have heard from reading posts on multiple forums is that not only has he been working on FULL new versions of his mods and updating them for 1.9 as well but heis also working to try and fix his website. Which would you prefer first? Personally I am glad the mod came first and the website second. It hasn't even been a week since his site went down. Be patient and stop being an arse (pardon the language but I had no other word that fit best).

Just let me explain a little further before you get angry because I said you acted. Go back and read your posts. You are basically telling Loz that he needs to fix his website because you need to download something. Believe me you are not the only one but most of us are patient enough to wait for him to do what he needs to do. He does after all work for free to bring us great mods that we apparently can't live without (I know I can't). So take a step back before you react to us calling you a child or before you flame us for it.

Anyways thanks Lozareth you have posted on almost any topic no matter how big or small and you have brought a mod that is probably one of the most popular mods on the planet (well many not just one). So thank you and ignore people like this guy who can do nothing but complain.