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06-01-09, 02:53 PM   #1381
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 52
funny.....sooooooo Freakin funny. Do you guys actually listen to yourselves? Do you read what you post at ALL?

BOTH WM's claims on how Curse and WowIi treated them AND WowI/Curse's claims CANNOT be right - because they both contradict each other!

WM says that they tried to reach out and do what they could, and WowI/Curse says that WM did nothing but steal bandwidth, and evade.

So what IS the truth?

What I like to use as my lens talks. Sure WM is making money with their software, but so is WowI and Curse. Who has more to lose? WowI and Curse do! Why? Because they've been around longer. They had the edge on addon distribution and making profits from it. When WM came along, that edge was QUICKLY stolen from them.

Again, money talks. Read between the lines folks. Who had the most to lose? Who would do anything to make sure they DON'T lose? Who would screw us, the consumers/customers, in order to keep from losing money? Who HAS been screwing the authors (I do write addons btw - though I don't host them here or @curse) for years, yet making it sound like they have not? Who has been getting FAT as cows off of FREE MONEY?

Then WowI comes out with their "competitor" called Minion...what a joke it is! Their bottom line still drove it, they shaped it around anything BUT the needs and convenience of the enduser - no, they shaped it around that blatantly intrusive and completely unwanted 3 in by 3 in (give or take) ad at the bottom right of the interface. Why? because again, it's all about money for them. they could care less about the authors OR us endusers.

Anyone who supports them (the two hypocrites) is supporting bad things! My suggestion is, if you don't like WowI or Curse...STOP USING THEM! Get WM, use alternate addons, whatever....make WowI and Curse crawl back to WM and beg for forgiveness for their insolence and WORK OUT A DEAL with them! Because honestly, there are a LOT less supporters of WowI and Curse than they would have you believe. Seriously...if you don't like these bloodsucking sites...stop downloading your addons from them, tell all your WoW playing friends to download WM and boycott these's the only way to get them to see the light. Get in General chat or trade chat and start up conversations - whatever. Make these idiots bleed.
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