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06-04-09, 10:10 PM   #1510
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Originally Posted by silentdabeast View Post
I 'may' be able to, with regard to WM, but that will depend on what I can and cannot do, and on what additional info they are willing to share. But right now at this moment, the only reason people are supporting WoWI is because
You know what, I'm tired of seeing people say they have "proof, but am waiting for permission". You're not the first one to say this and I'm sure you won't be the last. I applaud your ethics, but if you can't show your proof, then don't throw it around like stating that it exists is going to somehow change minds. As my mother used to say, "put up or shut up". Frankly, neither side has to prove anything to anyone since it's not going to solve anything. People will always choose who to support/believe even in the face of undeniable has been proven time and time again throughout history in matters much more important than this.

As for faith, you're misinformed in at least my case. The reason that I've chosen to "side" with WoWInterface in this is simply their track record. I don't have to believe them (I do, but that's beside the point) to know that the community and tools they provide to me, an author, are valuable to me. Compare that to WM...and what have they done exactly for me or any other author out there? I'm sure some don't care and choose to distribute through them...more power to them, that's their choice, but it isn't mine. Fortunately, the one addon that I've chosen to distribute here is not widely used so most end-users wouldn't care, but if they did, oh well.

There are more rewards for authors at sites like WoWInterface and Curse that have nothing to do with money. I don't get why so many people seem to think that this isn't true. Revision control, bug tracking systems, easier means to "release" new versions, forums, and places to receive feedback and get help from others are intangibles that make life easier on authors who are already doing this work for no compensation. Anything they can do to save some "maintenance" time means more time that they can do other things. WM has done nothing to "woo" authors over to host with them, nor provided much in the way of convenience. Add that on top of their past history of being parasitic of both sites like WoWI/Curse/WoWAce and the authors' works, I don't need faith to know which people I want to stand with.

Side note: People from Atlantis killed JFK. Also, if you look very closely at the footage of the assassination, you'll see a blurry figure behind the crowds that resembles Bigfoot. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
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