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06-06-09, 01:15 PM   #28
A Cyclonian
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 43
Originally Posted by spiel2001 View Post
Five new slash commands in tomorrow's update...

* added a new slash command '/nui bar cooldown' -- This option is used to turn the
display of cooldowns (displayed in yellow on the action bar) on and off. By default
this feature is enabled.

* added a new slash command '/nui bar duration' -- By default, when you cast a spell
on a target, the time remaining on the spell is displayed in blue on the action bar.
This option turns that timer feature off.

* added a new slash command '/nui bar macro' -- When you place a custom macro on the
action bar, nUI display's the macro's name on the button. This option will turn that
display on and off.

* added a new slash command '/nui bar stackcount' -- nUI normally displays the stack
counts of inventory items that are on your action bars in the lower right corner of
the button. This option can be used to turn that display on and off.

* added a new slash command '/nui bar keybind' -- When you have a key bound to an
action button, the key name is normally displayed in the top left corner of the
button. This option can be used to turn that display on and off.

O M G....!!!!

I had no idea it was this involved....!!.