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06-07-09, 06:18 PM   #26
A Frostmaul Preserver
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Originally Posted by Silenia View Post
So they're going to stop breaking the rules on the 15th because the banner ad is paid for up till then?

/has a "is it just me?" moment....
It's not just you, and I'm inclined to agree with you that the fact that they are "just" breaking the ToS and EULA until the fifteenth doesn't mean they aren't still breaking the rules. Really all of this comes down to what bottom line you want to draw. The conflict here is what one thinks is more important: retribution for a violation of agreed regulations or the fact that they are going to stop violating them eventually. I'm with you that them pulling down the banner on the fifteenth doesn't make it okay, and in fact, I think it makes it kind of worse. Their attitude screams, "We don't care about the rules enough to take a loss and fix it now. We paid for our rule-breaking through the fifteenth, and we're going to continue breaking them until then." On the other side of our they-should-get-punished coin, they are going to stop eventually, and perhaps we should be willing to call that good enough. If this were a picture-perfect world, I'd be all for giving them a good kick in the bollocks for having broken the rules, and they'd likely get it, too. (In a picture-perfect world, they'd not have broken the rules. ) Unfortunately, this is not such a world, and corporate entities as they are, I don't think we should expect them to behave like they're in one.

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