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06-07-09, 07:15 PM   #27
Credendo Vides
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Guys, honestly, dial it back.

I think a lot of the problem that is going on here of late is: because there has been so much drama over the last couple months that people don't know how to deal with it when there isn't any. It's like someone that has chronic pain (I can use this analogy, because I live it every day). The body becomes so used to living with pain, that when there isn't any pain, the body is going "something's wrong". Or possibly comparable to an adrenaline-junkie. The drama gives a person an adrenaline rush (anger/frustration/upset causes a lot of the same endorphins, since it's preparing the body to deal with the instinctual "fight or flight" self preservation mode), that when that adrenaline isn't there the body craves more. (There's a reason Cairenn loooooooves roller coasters! )

As for why they would be leaving the ad in place until the 15th, that's blatantly obvious. [I would imagine that] They have a contractual obligation they have to honour, unless they want to go to court over it. They screwed up [in the eyes of many people in the community (whether they actually did or not is a different debate), they apologized, they said they will remove it when they [legally] can.
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Last edited by Cairenn : 06-07-09 at 07:27 PM.
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