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06-15-09, 06:12 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Hambil View Post
17" monitor in 1280x1024 mode with 24 bit color. I've attached a screen cap, and you can see the nUI fonts are pretty hard to read. Lower resolutions (1024x768) just makes it worse.
Well... this is kind of the classic "I know it's not perfect, but I don't have a solution to make it better" kind of things. The issue is how Bliz renders the fonts with outlines. If I don't use an outline, it's worse because there's no contrast. If I do use an outline, the outline doesn't scale with the font and you get bleed over. I can't make the font any larger, or the text will flow outside of the widget. If I make the widget bigger, everyone yells at me that the button is too large.

I'm all about solutions, but I honestly don't have one that I can think of atm for that particular problem.

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