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06-15-09, 11:34 AM   #23
Coffee powered Kaldorei
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Originally Posted by spiel2001 View Post
I have no problem going with a clean and functional font that is not a Blizzard font. If anyone wants to research various fonts and find a handful that look really good, are clean and above all else are in the public domain, I would be willing to bundle them with nUI and make the changes required to implement them... but they *HAVE* to be public domain as I'm not going to infringe on anyone's copyright - ever.
I don't run nUI (I build my own UIs) and I have an old panel that maxes out at 1024x768. I ran into the Blizz font issue (aka Blizz fonts look like crap) so I went hunting for a good clean font. My choice for my overall system font?

Bitstream Vera Sans Bold

It is a part of the Bitstream Vera family. These fonts are not "public domain" but released under a very liberal license by the Gnome Foundation and Bitstream. This license allows for full redistribution (as long as you don't sell the fonts themselves) as well as derivative works.