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06-25-09, 09:51 AM   #7
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 6
Did not work; yields an empty command window (apart from the blinking underscore, I'm hesitant whether call it freezing or not but it sure doesn't do anything apart from sitting there blinking (memory/cpu usage is down at ~2k / 0% so it's nothing like a loop either)), same result as "manually" trying to run it from command. I feel about the same way as the OP of the thread where the linked post was; I'm a fairly proficient PC user but I'm all dry on ideas that might make it work.

Think the total tally of reinstalls for Java and Minion combined is running into the 20s now. :<

e/ A small addition, I found another .jar application (nwn2 character editor if it makes any difference) and it works fine, so it seems the problem is with Minion rather than .jar files in general.

Last edited by Izichial : 06-25-09 at 11:45 AM.
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