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07-21-09, 05:24 PM   #28
Curse staff
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 680
Hey pmats, can you explain this then?

Let Moongaze know about his Lunarsphere project posted on the site. Here's his response:

... I know.

The deal was, I found out they did it when the person that uploaded it put my email address in for the contact information. So, I got an automated response telling me that it's up, and congrats and stuff. I was mad, of course, so I went to the site and was overwhelmed by the prospect that someone might be getting PAID for downloads of my addons, and I got more upset. So, I tried to log in with my "account" and I didn't have the password. But guess what? I could RESET my password and a new one would be sent to my email address. So, I did that. Got into my account ... and there is NO DELETE FEATURE. I had to send in a service request and ask for my stuff to be removed and, within a day or two, I would hear back from the people and the file would be removed.

... that didn't happen. Instead, I got an email saying that they got my delete notice and the information has been sent to the tech support team to be handled. And handling it means REMOVING my email from the account and setting it as NULL, changing the password, and locking me out of the site.

Yeah, I was pissed. I also informed a few people who had projects up there that they might not be aware of, and it looks like the stuff is still up there. So, whatever. I'll send another email and have the opinion that nothing will come of it. I don't think this service is operated in the United States and it, I think, is from China. If that's the case, I don't think there is much I can do anyway. *shrug*
You are full of it. I've already recommended he DMCA his mods. Personally, the entire site can simply go down at this point. Pardon the language, but I hate ****ing thieves like you guys.
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