Thread: Supporters?
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07-22-09, 12:04 PM   #41
A Molten Giant
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 732
Meh, I'll risk taking the flames by having a differenting opinion.

Carbonite is a good addon. I'm sure you all agree with that, otherwise you wouldn't be here.

Carbonite still works. I haven't had a major breakdown of it yet, and by browsing the Bugs section for a while, I can safely say no one else has either. Save for the private server jer- ehm, persons, but those deserve a slap on the fingers anyhow.

Carbonite will continue to work in the future. The devs have made that clear.

So those three points is what I use to take my stand.
It's good.
It works.
It will continue working.

So what if it's not updated as often as Addon XY? So what if you get answers from diligent users instead of the developers? I ask you this, if the developers have, say, forty hours a week to work on Carbonite, would you prefer that they put those forty hours on the product, or the community that's already taking care of itself?

In my humble opinion, it seems as if those who complain about lack of attention are either those who think they're still paying for a subscription and is due to that superior than others, those that get agitated because feature X is not available in the addon, or those who're just all-in-all angry at everyone and everything.

Just my two cents. Flame on, if you wish, but it still doesn't change the three major points. It's good, it works, it will continue working.

Thank you for your time.