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07-25-09, 01:22 AM   #15
A Molten Giant
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 732
Originally Posted by durridt View Post
I am a concerned about the rancor this thread has introduced to the carbonite community.

It seems we all agree that this an excellent add-on. I certainly am happy to have bought a year's subscription and have absolutely no regrets; not when there were updates monthly, and not now. This add-on works as advertised and improves my game experience significantly.

We got spoiled by the regular updates, and that seems to be the core of the problem. The add-on has not ceased to work. It does what it is designed to do, and does it well. The fact that it doesn't seem to improve as quickly is irrelevant. Since is well worth what I paid for a years' subscription, I will probably donate the same amount in a year to help the devs.

Insisting that developers that poured their hearts and souls into a project turn over their baby to a community is ridiculous. If there is something lacking, from that perspective, perhaps the ones who put such energy into this request should write their own add-on to address perceived problems instead of pissing and moaning about the state of affairs.

Let's get back to being happy for having access to this great add-on and enjoy the benefits of gaming with it.
I agree fully and completely with the above statement.

Originally Posted by Silenia View Post
I don't really have an issue with any of that. What I do have issues with is the dev's disappearing for more than a month without so much as a "don't worry, we're still around, just very busy at the moment". But it would seem we are not worth that to them.
They're here now, so there's no reason for you to be sad any more. Turn that frown upside down!