Thread: A point addon
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09-26-09, 05:43 AM   #9
A Fallenroot Satyr
Nastarria's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 27
We give points to people so we can see who is the most active, and thus more deserving of things.

People with the higher points will be considered first for raids, and in the raid will get first Dibs on items... They can take or leave the item (Only if they can use it)

It's more to get people more active in our guild, so we can start raiding.

So it is kinda directed to Loot, but more towards Monitoring active people.
Crusader Solnaren - Nagrand ; My first lvl 80 character.
Elder Crólg - Nagrand ; Resto Shaman, my First Raiding character.MAIN
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