Thread: A point addon
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09-26-09, 06:32 AM   #10
A Cyclonian
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 40
I don't know of any addon that specifically does what you are looking for, but simply promoting and demoting people allows you to keep track of it the whole points related to rank seems a little overly complicated. It is a very simple thing KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid). If you are really determined to do it that way then I wish you the best of luck, but I would point out that if people do not spend points or the points do not decay in any way then the people who are most active and have the highest points always get the best gear which in theory would be nice if it would work that way (reward the hardest working most dedicated people), but if you have 5 absolutely top-end geared people and 20 crap geared people your raid is destined to fail. The reason point systems have a decay (to keep inactive people from coming back with a ton of points and being able to buy up gear in the latest and greatest progression) and the points being spent on items is to move the people with lots of points down the list to spread gear out more evenly across the more active people. The bottom line is if people never get gear they quit coming and if you only have a couple really geared people they do great healing or DPS or tanking, but 5 guys doing good work are worth more than 1 doing great work. If your guy doing uber DPS dies and you are left with the 4 who got crap gear doing practically no DPS then chances are you are screwed because you put all your eggs in one basket.

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