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09-30-09, 03:24 AM   #42
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Offtopic, but had to respond:

* 640K ought to be enough for anybody.
o Often attributed to Gates in 1981. Gates considered the IBM PC's 640kB program memory a significant breakthrough over 8-bit systems that were typically limited to 64kB, but he has denied making this remark.

"I've said some stupid things and some wrong things, but not that. No one involved in computers would ever say that a certain amount of memory is enough for all time … I keep bumping into that silly quotation attributed to me that says 640K of memory is enough. There's never a citation; the quotation just floats like a rumor, repeated again and again."
Gates (19 January 1996), "Career Opportunities in Computing—and More". Bloomberg Business News

"Do you realize the pain the industry went through while the IBM PC was limited to 640K? The machine was going to be 512K at one point, and we kept pushing it up. I never said that statement — I said the opposite of that."
"Gates talks" (20 August 2001) U.S. News & World Report
Whenever someone says "pls" because it's shorter than "please", I say "no" because it's shorter than "yes".

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