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10-09-09, 06:00 PM   #1
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 3
I Cannot Use Mount, Pet Shapshift Bar

Hello, I wanted to thank you for the help on the other issue I had. I was able to resolve to and so far so good.

I have another problem. I cannot use the pet, mount bar. I was in HTOC and when I was trying to use the different options it would not work. I tried with mouse and clicking 1-4. Also when I did HDTK on the last boss when you are shapeshifted I could use the abilities. At most it was hit and miss.

I have poured through the FAQ's and the forums and did not find anything. I am not sure what is going on and I almost died on the last boss because I could not use the bars. Is there a way to have it set to use 1-? numbers. Also, when I place items on the bars on the right (next to the info panel) it duplicates on one of the bars to the top. I am not sure how to fix that.