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10-12-09, 07:29 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by PigtailsofDoom View Post
Something that I and quite a few other casters that use nUI would appreciate is some of the features that Quartz has available as well.

Changes the color and text of your casting bar to help show that your cast has been interrupted (and show who interrupted it).
I did just add coloring of the bar for those spells that cannot be interrupted. I'll look into how to deal with indicating when your own cast has been interrupted. Not sure when I'll get a solution to that though.

*Tradeskill Merge
Merges multiple casts of the same tradeskill item into one big cast bar.
This is something that comes up a *lot* -- I'll look into getting it into 6.0 since it seems to be a very popular feature.

[quote[Also, if there was a way for us to customize the look of the cast bar to make it bigger and change the colors used similar to the way quartz allows, that would be great too.[/quote]

This is already doable in the current release and will be much easier to do in 6.0 -- for now, you need to edit the appropriate skin file to make the change. In the case of the HUD casting bars, it would be in [ Interface > AddOns > nUI > Layouts > Default > HUDLayouts > {HUD mode} ] editing either nUI_HUDSkin_{HUD mode}_Player.lua or nUI_HUDSkin_{HUD mode}_Target.lua depending on which you wanted to change. In the unit frame panels, it would be in [ Interface > AddOns > nUI > Layouts > Default > UnitPanels > {panel mode} ] and either in nUI_UnitSkin_{panel mode}_Player.lua, nUI_UnitSkin_{panel mode}_Target.lua or nUI_UnitSkin_{panel mode}_Focus.lua as the case may be.

Once you are in the correct file, you can customize its casting bar by going to the ["Casting"] section in the file. You can move the bar left and right by altering xOfs in the anchor = section or up and down by altering the yOfs option. In the options = section you can change the size of the casting bar by editing the height and width options as well as the overlay and background graphics and the text elements size, location and color.

The only thing you can't change in this file is the actual bar colors, however, there is an optional download plugin for nUI (I think it was Kodewulf who wrote it if I remember correctly) that will allow you to change the bar colors, too.

Some features that I'm not sure if nUI uses or not, but it would be great if it did:

Implementation of target and focus casting bars in similar fashion to the player cast bar.
nUI does currently offer casting bars for target and focus in the unit panels as well as for the target in the HUD.

Displays the amount of time spent between cast send and start events, in the form of a bar at the end of your casting bar, with optional text that displays the actual duration of the lag. This helps in canceling casts when they will not actually be interrupted, especially for users with consistently high pings. (I know nUI uses latency, but I don't think it shows the amount of time casts take)
nUI does display latency. It is the small blue bar below the casting bar which leads your casting bar by the current latency. When the blue bar clears (hits the end of the bar and vanishes) you are free to make your next cast. This provides a very strong visual cue as to when you are inside the latency period and able to cast again.

A breath/fatigue bar would be nice too, but it's not anything critical.
For now, nUI uses the default Blizzard fatigue bar. It is located at the top center of your display just below the console when active.

What people don't get is that I am, ultimately, an artist at heart.
My brush has two colors, 1 and 0, and my canvas is made of silicon.

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