Thread: AeroWow
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10-16-09, 01:15 AM   #13
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 153
I understand the logic of taking runspeed over other enchants. Yes, you will be able to move between targets or get back to the target faster, but your actual damage will be lower because of it. The only thing runspeed does is reduces the time it takes for you to return, and thus meters will report an increase in DPS. That's really all the enchant does, is pad the meters by slyly reducing the time.

Furthermore, playing a class/spec where power resources are regenerated, such as DKs (runes) or rogues/feral cats, your DPS output will be hampered. If you get back on target faster, you won't have as much energy (or runes) as you would had you gotten back at normal speed.

Lastly, runspeed is subject to the player. It does not promise increased survivability or more DPS. If the player doesn't move out of the fire, then runspeed didn't do anything to make them survive more. If the player doesn't start moving within one-third of a second in order for them to get back faster than normal. One-third. That means if you were to blink your eyes as soon as you landed, then you'd have to be moving before your eyes opened. And then there is the all powerful variable that spits in the face of runspeed: latency. The average latency in WoW is around 180ms. If you're lagging by so much as half a second when you land, then the increased runspeed isn't going to get you back any faster than if you didn't have the enchant. There's one for the ages: How good is an enchant when it can be affected by latency?
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