Thread: AeroWow
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10-16-09, 05:18 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by shkm View Post
The enchant is situational. This situation appears in the majority of today's encounters. Where situational condition is met, run speed is arguably superior (EJ has done some theorycrafting to attempt to prove this, but I cannot provide a link).

By the same token, you could say that a pure DPS enchant is situational if it is inferior to run speed unless the fight calls for little to no movement. This case is currently a minority. Thus situation has little to no bearing at this time.
I consider theorycrafting and most of what I read in combat analysis across a few "elitist jerk" type sites to be the stuff that falls out the back end of a horse. Know why? Nothing on any of the math nerd lists takes into account the "human condition". If this were a controlled environment where everything is "ideal", all these nerd analytical types would make more sense (at least to me). As that is not the case and you might have 10 kids who are great at implementing certain mechanics, others may not. Thus, the numbers, while pretty on paper and neato to spew hot air about, are irrelevant. There is absolutely nothing absolutely certain about this game, especially when it comes to raiding, other than random abilities being applied in random environments (no two users are in identical enviornments for example).

Bottom line, none of these numbers are really worth the time it took to prepare them. No two players are alike. You won't even find that many similarities across similar boss encounters. You can run 100 heroic halls of lightning and have 100 different experiences, again because of the human condition.

Playing this game is not about numbers. Good tanking is not about math. It's mostly instinct. Same for dps, healing, etc. Once you learn the "basics" behind the role you choose, that's all you need to learn. A guy whose boots get him out of flames 8% faster is the same as the experienced guy whose instincts tell him when to respond 8% quicker than Johnny Tuskarr. Know what I mean?

The simple fact of the matter is that what truly makes people elite players cannot be captured in a gear score, an enchantment, a pile of steaming theorycraft, etc. It's instinct. Period. Numbers, gear scores (and their mods) do nothing else than serve purposes of vanity when it all comes down to it. Talking about them as facts or absolutes shows a very incomplete method of analysis, which to me is almost completely irrelevant to anything that takes place in the real game.

Tuskarr's Vitality only exists as a default enchantment for tanks and/or melee dps only in the world of math nerds. I don't know of one single tank that uses it and I know a ton of people in my main alliance realm as well as my horde realm. The only people even talking about it are pvp'ers in the realms I play. Hell, agility is a superior enchantment for tanks if you don't go for stamina or whatever. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I'm just repeating myself here, so I'll leave the rest of this discussion up to you theorycrafter types.
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