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12-03-09, 12:39 PM   #1587
A Firelord
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 497
Originally Posted by Sec View Post
Thank you so much, Seerah I have no idea why, but I could find no Dispel Icon setting in Stuf. So strange. I'm using Stuf version 3.2.007. With your help, though, I've been able to get my buffs sorted out brilliantly. Also, much thanks to Haste for making Furbish and giving you permission, Seerah, to share your modifications.

Here's my OOC:

Here's IC:

Currently to do:

- Figure how to change Furbish time font
- Figure how to change nameplate bar texture without it going "fat"
- Assess EventAlert vs Nugrunning; possibly get rid of EA.
- Better screenshot quality...
This is purely aesthetics, but consider moving the debuffs beneath the target so they align with the unitframe.