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12-08-09, 12:30 AM   #65
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 6
I was using nUI on all my toons until this bug drove me insane to the point of needing to remove it until it's resolved. I had the same problem with keybindings with nUI on the PTR when nUI was the only addon I was using on PTR. /nui rl fixed it every time but that got old waiting for all the addons to reload. I tested without nUI and using Bartender instead, and everything worked as expected.

Thus, I uninstalled nUI and resorted to using Bartender for my action bars on the live server for now, and the keybindings it sets are held every time I use any toon on my account. This problem has never bothered me since.

Therefore, if it's a Blizzard introduced bug, it would seem that keybindings would be screwed up on every addon that manages them. It would seem to me that it's a conflict with nUI and a possible change that Blizzard made, but I wouldn't say it's a Blizzard bug since it doesn't affect other addons that manage keybindings.

Just my two cents.

Looking forward to a resolution so I can go back to using nUI again.

Last edited by SkyviewGuru : 12-08-09 at 12:33 AM.