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12-08-09, 05:20 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Amenity View Post
It's not "limited thinking", it's the truth. Blizzard is holding up their end of the deal (try reading the terms of service sometime).

A better analogy is that WoW is like owning a Saturn. Yes, it's made out of recycled milk jugs and isn't the best-looking, most reliable, or cheapest car on the road...but many people who own one love them.

If it's not for you, don't buy it. You can't have your cake, eat it, and then get pissed that your cake didn't "perform" in the manner you expected it to.
It's safer to keep this game and games like it out of traditional industry analogies. No other business in the world is permitted to operate on such low standards of service as most MMORPG's. As a business owner myself, I could not imagine any of my employees failing to meet reasonable service expecations of my clients. They would be canned the 2nd time they failed. In my business, we live and die by our service agreements. I simply can't believe Blizzard continues to operate without being able to properly set expectations with their customers. The technical issues of this (and any other game) is never the issue that upsets customers. It is the inability to effectively communicate and set proper expectations that creates so much trouble.

I know one thing, if I'm taking your money for services, you will damned well know I'm doing my utmost in protecting your investment. I bust my ass to maintain a very high standard of business practices. If I can do it, Blizzard can do it. You just have to care.

In a technical world, it's very true that unexpected issues arise, but that should NEVER be paired with a lack of communication or lowering of expectations. Customers are too valuable to treat them this way. Blizzard has NEVER gotten that part right. Hell, Blizzard doesn't even understand the ways in which their policies and practices escalate their very own cost of doing business. But, I guess that's another issue entirely.
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