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02-23-06, 07:22 PM   #2
Credendo Vides
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WoWInterface Admin
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 7,134
Frame API Functions
# NEW: frame = CreateFrame("frameType" [,"name"] [, parent]) -- Create a new frame of the specified type ("Button", "Slider", etc).
# NEW: font = CreateFont("name") -- Dynamically create a font object
# NEW: num = GetNumFrames() -- Get the current number of Frame (and derivative) objects
# nextFrame = EnumerateFrames(currentFrame) -- Get the Frame which follows currentFrame (in internal order, use currentFrame=nil for the first one)

XML Schema Changes
# EditBox, MessageFrame, ScrollingMessageFrame, SimpleHTML accept a font= attribute, which specifies a Font object to use (NOT a font file path)

FrameXML Interface Code
# NUM_CONTAINER_FRAMES increased to match actual max number of open containers (11, rather than 9)
# In FrameXML\Fonts.xml, the system FontStrings become Font objects.

Spell Casting
# CastSpellByName("Spell Name" [,onSelf]) -- Now takes optional onSelf parameter similar to UseAction.

LUA Standard Library
# Enabled the loadstring function.

Other API Functions
# seterrorhandler(errfunc) -- Sets a new error handler (a function taking error message as its argument)
# errfunc = geterrorhandler() -- Gets the current error handler.
# version, buildnum, builddate = GetBuildInfo() -- Returns information about the current build.
# REMOVED: LaunchURL() will no longer be available.
# MouselookStart() -- Start mouse-looking.
# MouselookStop() -- Stop mouse-looking.
# IsMouselooking() -- Return whether mouse look is enabled.

Bug Fixes
# Enchant tooltips will properly refresh as missing item data is fetched from server.
# SetBinding will correctly fire UPDATE_BINDINGS events.
# Removed 1024 character limit on saved variable names.
# Deeply nested table structures will no longer break saved variables.
# Fixed UseAction self cast for weapon enchants.
# Spell links for quest rewards will work reliably.
# Fixed per-char/global macro ID overwriting.
# Fixed spell rank increases replacing macros which referred to that spell.
# Link content spoofing should now be blocked (Presumably with disconnection).
# Fixed < br/ >< /br > problem in SimpleHTML.

Event Changes
# Healing will be reported when the target is actually healed, rather than when the client initiates a heal. (Overhealing will still not be reported).



# 1.10 Sneak peak - Font Objects:
# 1.10 Sneak peak - Dynamic Frames:
# RunScript enhancement or loadstring??:
# Shortcomings of SavedVariables:
# SetBinding Bug with UPDATE_BINDINGS:
# Get rid of overheals in combat:

Last edited by Cairenn : 03-10-06 at 12:40 AM.
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