Thread: The Console
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12-14-09, 02:44 PM   #1
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 18
The Console

This is the only feature I really find counterintuitive in nUI. To me the purpose of the addon is to keep as little clutter off the screen while maximixing the amount of information we can for the given situation. The console as it is now just takes up alot of space on top with the silly graphic just to wrap the single menu it wraps. I know there is an option to turn the console off or set it to mouseover. Mouseover works most of the time, except for the times I try to mouse up high to click a target. What I would like to to be able to do is type /nui movers, move that one menu section in the console outside of the console, turn the console off and not have that menu still disappear. I hope I'm being clear enough to get the idea across.

I'm with the mind set of keeping as much viewing area clear as possible. It is better to have the viewing area smaller but totally clear of addons then having the viewing area take up the entire monitor but have addons blocking sections of it all over the place.