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12-20-09, 08:15 AM   #3
A Black Drake
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 84
Not sure what you mean. I have the minimap infopanel and the carbonite infopanel both running.

I found one of the problems, which was that after disabling the minimap infopanel, I needed to go into General config and set the "nUI manages minimap".

When both infopanels are running, both carbonite and the minimap are overlaid. The only infopanel that carbonite does NOT show in is the carbonite infopanel. I can fix it by going to that infopanel and displaying the carbonite minimap, but the first time I zone anywhere, carbonite is again overlaid (underlaid? lol) in every infopanel except the carbonite infopanel.

Once the minimap infopanel is removed, the checkbox set and the ui reloaded, things work again.