Thread: Blizz UI
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12-28-09, 06:26 AM   #4
An Onyxian Warder
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 363
Originally Posted by kitsumie View Post
I have an issue that is stopping me from using NUI which angers me greatly. The default Blizzard UI will not go away! It sits on top of NUI making it impossible for me to play and / or use NUI. Please help me i love NUI!! <3 <3 Thank you!
Have you disabled ALL other addons except nUI to see if it's something there? (go to the addons button at char select, and uncheck ALL other addons except nUI). Did that fix it?

If it still happens, delete (or rename) your Interface and WTF folders. Log back into the game (so the client will recreate both and set everything to Blizz default). Exit the game, Put the nUI folder (be sure to download the latest and greatest) in the Addons folder. Log back into the game. At character select, click the Addons button and check the box that says 'Load out of date addons" (won't necessarily make a diff at this juncture, but a good habit to get into).

If it still happens after that, then I have no idea! if either of the above fix it for you, it's a conflict with some other addon - you can re-enable them one by one to determine the culprit.
