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01-09-10, 02:50 PM   #4
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I actually disagree with you on the latency thing. If the casts are so fast that you can't tell when the latency bar vanishes, then there isn't a snowball's chance in hell any latency indicator is of use because if the spell is so fast you can't see the latency bar, then it's too fast for you to react to anyway.

I find it *much* easier to notice when the latency bar vanishes than to detect when the cast bar has reached the small latency indicator in the Quartz bar. But, again, I guess this is preference. None-the-less, I have no intention of changing it though I plan on offering three different ways of displaying latency in nUI6 -- that may address your concern.

I should add, as well, that nUI also displays the HOTs/DOTs that you have on the target.

Anyway... that's all beside the point. So, what you're driving at is that you want to know when each tic is going to occur so that you can abort the mind flay after the second tick and start a different cast, yes?

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