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02-01-10, 11:33 AM   #2
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 5
I've had the same problem for a while now and i know what the problem is. Once in a while when accepting a quest from a NPC there'll be a bug preventing this quest from getting registered into the quest log and all quests you'll take after this bug won't be registered either. Well if you reload the game, apart from the one that didn't get registered the new ones will appear, the only way i foun to get rid of this problem ( appart from reinstalling wow ) is to finish the quest that bugged ( even though you can't see it in the quest log, so it might be hard to remember what quest it was to finish it ) and use a portal to travel to another area. In my case i found out that each time i get a daily fishing quest this bug happen, i also had the same bug on several other quests. I learned to detect this bug by the sound, each time you accept a quest you hear a specific sound but when the bug happen you don'y hear it, so i just make sure to remember the quest i just took and do it asap.

By the way i'm playing in french so i'm wondering whether or not this bug come from that ( as quests names, areas names and other things are different maybe some translations are wrong and it cause this bug).

Last edited by Aximili : 02-01-10 at 11:37 AM.