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02-02-10, 05:34 PM   #129
nUI Maintainer
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Getting there. No real functionality changes as such but alot of code structuring done.

nUI_InfoPanel.lua - Contains data for and the create function to make any infopanel you want. Just pass it the child frame its id and its name and whether you want it movable outside of the frame. Everything else is done for you. Just return the frame id when finished for the main file to use as needed.

ScrollFrame.lua - Contains data and the functions needed to handle using a scroll frame. Send it the child frame to scroll and it will do the rest. Again, return the frame id for the main file to use. ( At some point I will have to test this to make sure it works for other scrollable stuff )

WatchFrame.lua - Contains data and functions to handle overriding of the blizzard watch frame. Needs to be used in conjunction with a container frame for full benefit though ( not managed to get a non scrollframe version to work with this quite yet rofl ).

SWF_Main.lua - Holds the meat of the addon and talks to all 3 other files and tells them how to play together. For example the scroll frame has a main anchor but if we want to anchor differently if the watchframe is collapsed or expanded this will tell it to do that. It also determines whether to use the InfoPanel system or not.

And of course the localisation files but then so far I only have 2 lines of localised text rofl.

Whilst some of the code in ScrollFrame and InfoPanel are repeated it is a necessary evil unless we add a Generic.lua ( which I probably will soon rofl ) to handle the generic functionality they can hook into.

Next Step.... SavedVariables Now that will be a fun one. If it can remember all 3 possible anchors and the 2 different backgrounds possible. Then I'll be happy.

I won't post a file up this time though due to no extra functionality. After I have the SavedVariables and slash commands working then I will. If the slash commands become too cumbersome I will probably make an UI version of it but initial thoughts are it won't be necessary.

Gwynedda - 70 - Demon Warlock
Galaviel - 65 - Resto Druid
Gamaliel - 61 - Disc Priest
Gwynytha - 60 - Survival Hunter
Lienae - 60 - Resto Shaman
Plus several others below level 60

Info Panel IDs :