Thread: WatchDog
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03-16-06, 09:38 PM   #9
Cladhaire's Avatar
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Here's whats coming for WatchDog (not 2.0-- this is the 1.0 branch). Should be ready to ship by tomorrow.


WatchDog 1.20
* Added StickyFrames to WatchDog. Now when you move frames around, they'll stick
to the edges of the other frames. This will make them much easier to set up and drag around.
* There have been a number of changes to the dragging system.
* Drag buttons have been removed (*cheer*).
* When WatchDog is unlocked (using /wd lock, /wd unlock) tooltips will display:
- Left-Drag to move all frames
- Alt-Left-Drag to move this frame
* You can now use the /wd showall and /wd hideall commands to display ALL frames so
you can move then around. It sets them to a fixed width so the use is somewhat
limited-- but it helps when setting up your UI.
* Every frame will stick to every other frame using StickyFrames. You should be able
to line up your frames without any issues now and have them stack properly.
* Buffs and Debuffs now show the number of applications of a buff. This has been tested
as much as possible, and seems to work quite well-- let me know if you run into any issues
with it.
* Buff and debuff scanning now uses a seperate WatchDogTooltip, like it should have all along.
There's a ton of things that I have fixed in 2.0 that I want to move over-- cause they're
just plain the right way to go =)
* Added /watchdog, /wdog as aliases for /wd, due to conflicts with Wardrobe and AceWardrobe
* Full list of /wdog commands are:
* /wdog lock - Locks WatchDog
* /wdog unlock - Unlocks Watchdog
* /wdog showall - Shows ALL WatchDog frames. This is a setup mode for moving the bars around
* /wdog hideall - Hides all watchdog frames and returns to normal operation.
* /wdog restoredefaults - Resets ALL settings and completely blanks your settings. Be careful
* /wdog cc - Opens the click-casting dialog
* /wdog resetframes - Resets frames to their default locations, in case you mess them up.
* Frame positions are now being saved in SavedVariables and not in the layout-cache.txt file.
This should prevent issues with frame positions being lost between patches and when disabling
WatchDog. PLEASE let me know if you have any issues with it.
"There's only one thing that I know how to do well and I've often been told that you only can do what you know how to do well, and that's be you-- be what you're like-- be like yourself. And so I'm having a wonderful time, but I'd rather be whistling in the dark..."
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