Thread: darn taint
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02-26-10, 12:45 PM   #28
Premium Member
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 387
Originally Posted by Grimsin View Post
did you see the post about the arena frames? how would i work the secure show hide into whats being talked about there? the biggest problems right now are the show hiding of raid and party frames, and the secure show/hide of secure button frames of various sorts, not action bars but like the spellbook frame, those are secure buttons so if you screw around with the size or position or show/hide of that frame it has to be done secure or you get taint when in combat.
Can you describe what you are trying to do exactly? Reading through the posts was more confusing than anything.

Originally Posted by Grimsin View Post
it is doable a few addons do it. One in particular is Clique. Although it does not appear to use the actual menu function. However this would mean one way or another you can make an addon setfocus its just a mater of how to make that menu feature setfocus. Its really something blizz should be fixing....
Clique uses the focus attribute which is called by the secure code to set focus. The menu function calls SetFocus which when it gets tainted (and it gets tainted easily) doesn't work. They're two different systems. No UF addon can get around the set focus bug, without reimplementing the entire dropdown system in secure code, and nobody is insane enough to do that.

The pastey nightcracker linked was broken with 3.2 (3.1?), it was technically a loophole that caused it to work in the first place.
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